has been improved. Read more about the changes.

The estate has no bank account – no authorised agent is appointed

Handling bank account numbers and other tax-related affairs is easier if the estate shareholders:

  1. Complete the “Letter of authorisation for managing the tax affairs of an estate” – Valtakirja kuolinpesän veroasioita varten to authorise one person as the estate’s authorised agent for managing taxes;
  2. The person who has become authorised submits the bank account on the Notice of bank information of an Estate form.

If the estate cannot authorise someone as described above, this is how to proceed:

  1. Ask every estate shareholder to give you a letter of authorisation. To authorise someone to deal with the death estate's taxes, use a power of attorney on paper (Form 3630). Banks may issue various power-of-attorney forms. However, these forms are not accepted for the purpose of authorising someone to inform the Tax Administration of the account number.
  2. Complete the Notice of bank information of an estate and fill in your personal details and the new bank account number.
  3. Enclose the following documentation:
    • letters of authorisation from every shareholder
    • if the deed of estate inventory has not yet been submitted to the Tax Administration, also enclose
      • a list of the estate’s shareholders
      • a photocopy of the deed of estate inventory
      • a photocopy of the decedent’s will which has been published and approved, if the decedent had written a will.
  4. Send us the form and enclosures, as instructed on the page referred to above.
Page last updated 4/14/2023